Beauty And The Beast

July 1, 2020 0

Beauty And The Beast Adapted from the original by Stories Aloud There was once a very rich man who lived with his six children in […]

Rapunzel in the tower


January 5, 2020 0

Poor Rapunzel is a prisoner! The nasty witch keeps her locked in a tower. Will the prince be able to set her free?

Snow White

Snow White

January 1, 2020 0

Snow White’s stepmother is trying to kill her for being beautiful! So she runs away into the forest, where she meets her new seven best friends!

Johnny Cake Image

Johnny Cake

September 4, 2019 0

Who’d have thought a cake could run so fast? Could he outrun you tooooo?

Old Sultan

August 30, 2019 0

Old Sultan There was a shepherd who had a faithful dog. The dog was called Sultan and he was very old, and had lost all […]